Shared Links February 2009

This is not an apology post for lack of posting. I was sick for several days because of unsual weather and tied in several projects. Now, I want to share some of posts and links that I have in these days.

KidRex is a search engine  for Kids and it is powered by Google custom search engine and Google’s SafeSearch Technology and KidRex’s own filtering system to prevent from explicit sexual content in Google search results.


Found useful Blogging Tips links collection in and read 13 quick tips to make your blog stand out from the crowd lately.

You can use Snapcasa and Websnapr to get the thumnail version of any web site and integrate with your site/project easily. Free and paid versions available.

You can check when you lose or gain followers in Twitter using TweetEffect, a new Twitter tool.

That’s. You can follow me on Twitter or add me in your delicous network


One response to “Shared Links February 2009”

  1. hello
    good your post… I like post.