My Acoustic Guitar

My Acoustic Guitar
My Acoustic Guitar

I used to playing guitar and singing in when I have nothing to do with web related stuff or when I miss something. Playing around with the guitar is also becoming a part of my abroad life now.


7 responses to “My Acoustic Guitar”

  1. I used to play guitar when I was in Myanmar. It makes me feel better. But it’s been a long time I didn’t touch a guitar. Hopefully, I will get a chance to play again. :)

  2. Playing guitar is good. I cant play. But I enjoy music at least once a month.

    I wish i miss something sometime somewhere. But not successful yet :)

    anyway, visit my websites and leave any comment, welcome

  3. I also like playing guitar.I am trying to be a vocalist & composer.So I like so much Ur guitar.I think that U are also Musician.

  4. what a telling MACRO… follow the strings and there you’ll reach the destination!! a gre8t shot, my bro…

  5. Definitely a great shot.
    Love it.

  6. A truely beautiful guitar

  7. That’s the most colorful rosette I’ve ever seen on a guitar.