SkreemR – Mp3 Search


SkreemR is a mp3 search engine where you can find mp3, which are hosted in the internet sites. They don’t actually hosted any mp3 files they just index what exists on the publicly accessible reaches of the internet, as they said in about page. One thing I like this SkreemR is that it shows the detail information for each mp3 file such as Artist, Album, Frequency, Bitrate, etc. in result page (shown in below)

Skreemr - Search Results

See more about SkreemR Firefox search plug-in, Songbird add-on and Facebook app.

found via : Nay Nay Naing’s blog


5 responses to “SkreemR – Mp3 Search”

  1. I agree with you! SkreemR should a lot details about the song, but still I prefer SeeqPod (maybe because, it lets me build playlists)

  2. […] covered Skreemr mp3 search engine before. Beemp3 is similar to Skreemr which is a music search engine that has huge list of mp3 files […]

  3. It would be even better if it host mp3 files but I like it nonetheless.

  4. Bertie Derde Avatar
    Bertie Derde

    Looks like Seeqpod is offline . . .

    I like

  5. Bertie Derde Avatar
    Bertie Derde

    Also looks like Skreemr is now

    No search function, just random tunes in your chosen format.