I always use gTalk for contacting with my friends and my family. I always accept whenever I got invitation from someone I really did not know before. One day, someone (guy or girl I really don’t know) asked me so many questions in very detail such as real name, where I’m living, phone number and even my national ID (F****). It looks like I’m filling the form-10, form-17, form-19) which used in Myanmar. Since then I did not click ‘yes’ in gtalk. Now invitation reaches more than 100. If you wants to contact via talk, please mail me first to this address myochauhtun at gmail dot com before you sent invite.
6 responses to “Got more than 100 invitations in gTalk”
wooo…more than 100 :O
be aware bro, ur gtalk can be explode :P
ya. you better remove them all, man.. i never accept any request if I don’t know him/her personally… I don’t even log in to gtalk for long time.. :) I also disabled gtalk in my gmail (web-based) too..
Thank you very much.
I so interested in Web Programming. I also want to be like you. Ya. you are the man.
Don’t you mind i want to ask you deal with web programming.
I’ll mail you later.
Things like that happen to me a lot too. I mean, I also tend to get a lot of invitations from people I don’t know. I guess there are some people who want to enter into the Guinness Book of Records as the people with the largest number of GTalk contacts. :P
I always reject those invitations unless I know them.After all, adding someone u don’t know as ur GTalk contact is very strange. Those adding people without knowing them should not do so.
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