Twitter Grader

Twitter Grader tool is seemed to be fun for Twitter user. It mesaures the relative power of a Twitter user. Calcualation is based on combination of the number of followers, power of followers, pace of your updates, completeness of your profile and few others. Twitter Grader tool is also a part of Web site Grader, a useful tool to measure your site. Found via Htoo Tay Zar


2 responses to “Twitter Grader”

  1. There are a number related services or tools for Twitter. If a savvy marketer or other business development professional approaches Twitter strategically it can serve as a powerful tool to add value for their followers. These tools make measuring and leveraging Twitter much easier.

    Thank you for your comments.


  2. Hey good site, interesting for all twitterers,can come back to this site now & again to check your self out in the Twitter experience. Yours Lyndon Sullivan .@lindano on Twitter.