How to run php script in shell

If you want to run php script in shell, simply put the following line at the beginning of your php file.


#!/path/to/php is the path you installed php in linux. If you don’t know where php is installed in your linux. Type the following command

which php

This will output the php path from your linux. The output will be something like this


For example: hello.php

echo "Hello World!";

Make your php script executable by typing

chmod +x hello.php

And then run it


You’ll see

Hello World!


18 responses to “How to run php script in shell”

  1. good tutorial more power to you

  2. Great simple basic tutorial. Thanks…

  3. santiago Avatar

    And what if hello.php contains the following?


    How do I call hello.php with argument msg=hello+world?
    The following doesn’t work:

    php hello.php?msg=hello+world

  4. santiago Avatar

    Ooops, the php tag are interpreted!
    And what if hello.php contains the following?

        echo $_GET[msg];

    How do I call hello.php with argument msg=hello+world?
    The following doesn’t work:
    php hello.php?msg=hello+world

  5. How would you do this with cmd in windows.

  6. @santiago: I know it is kind of strange to expect to GET Parameters.. but I am searching for the same as I would like to implement a cronjob that would need some input-variable.

    I tried as vector:
    ./hello.php -msg hello

    to no avail..

  7. ok .. solution:

    echo>./hello.php vector1

    and catch it in PHP with


    Caution!: on index 0 you woulg get “./hello.php”

    1. Great! Thanks a lot man!

  8. kazi omar faruk Avatar
    kazi omar faruk

    Hi expert,

    How can run bellow line using bash script

    Thanks in advance.


  9. thanks! that was very helpful.
    I did at some point know this stuff, but I needed to know it again tonight, and now I do!

  10. Rahul VK Khandelwal Avatar
    Rahul VK Khandelwal

    When I run ‘which php’….It shows me result as below

    I added the following line to my script

    But when I execute the script like ‘./script.php’, it shows me error as below.
    -bash: ./script.php: /usr/bin/php^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

    Please suggest what could be wrong here?

    Thanks in advance …

  11. santiago Avatar

    Hey Rahul VK Khandelwal,

    Your file might be in the wrong format. DOS format (newline is \r\n) instead of unix format (newline is \n).
    Good luck


  12. Rahul VK Khandelwal Avatar
    Rahul VK Khandelwal

    Thanks a ton Santiago. I changed the format with dos2unix and it worked for me.

  13. Thanks!

  14. […] Create a PHP shell script: […]

  15. thanks a lott..!

  16. Christian Avatar

    On web servers where more then 2 php versions are installed “which php” can cause a problem. In my case the path was the path to the 4.2 version. I had to ask the hosting provider the right path.
    But a very good tutorial!

  17. Is it feasible and/or advisable to combine shell/apache usage in one file?
    I have a group of tasks that have to be called from website AND cronjob.
    Can i use php in apache2 REGULARLY that contain the line #!/usr/bin/php ?
    Will i be disappointed and give up on using parameters of both cases?
