a ping update service that lets you to update your status of your social network profiles, Blogging services and Micro blogging services from a one place. Services available in such as Facebook, hi5, LinkedIn, Myspace, Bebo, Twitter, Pownce, Tumblr, Jaiku, Blogger and LiveJournal (WordPress will be come out soon). You can also post via like Gtalk, AOL, iGoogle, Facebook app, iPhone and Mobile App. Tired of updating your all of your status? Try Though it is in private beta invitation, you can signup by using beta code “pingsauce” (remove quote) to get access.


5 responses to “”

  1. Thanks a lot buddy! I was looking for something like this.

  2. You’re welcome, Haris

  3. Getaways Avatar

    posting via aim, now thats some kewl stuff

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  5. i visited your site.