Installing WordPress on Windows

In my last post, I explained how to install Apache, php and mysql on windows using Appserv. Now I’ll explain how to install wordpress.

Download WordPress

First, download the zip from wordpress Download page.

Download WordPress 2.2

Then create a folder and named it wordpress or weblog whatever under c:\appserv\www. Unzip the file which you download from wordpress site, into that folder. WordPress folder contains wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes and many other php files.

Wordpress Folder

Creating database for wordpress

Type the address http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in browser. You’ll see phpMyAdmin database administration panel.


Create a database name “wordpress” or whatever. This database will be used in WordPress installation.

Create Database

Installing WordPress

Now it’s time to install wordpress, type http://localhost/wordpress in your browser.

I use wordpress because i created a wordpress folder under c:\appserv\www. You have to use your folder name

You’ll see wordpress installation page. Click ‘create a wp-config.php file through a web interface‘.

Wordpress Installation
You’ll never see this page after wordpress has been successfully installed.

Click Let’s go

Wordpress Installation

Click ‘Submit‘.

Wordpress Installation
Before you click ‘Submit‘ be sure to check database name which you created in phpMyAdmin see above step ‘Creating Database‘. Normally, database user name is ‘root‘ and password that you set in Appserv installation. Database host, just leave it if you’re testing in your machine.

Click ‘run the install

Wordpress Installation

Click ‘First Step

Wordpress Installation

Click Continue to Second Step

Wordpress Installation

Installation finished

This is a final state of wordpress installation. WordPress installation will give you a username and it’ password. Mark it down!!!

Wordpress Installation
WordPress generate a random password. If you forgot it, you have to delete the wordpress table, need to install. So be careful.

Now, you can login to your very first wordpress blog. Click wp-login.php. Next time, use this address. http://localhost/[wordpress folder]/wp-login.php


8 responses to “Installing WordPress on Windows”

  1. Informative post there. Will be helpful. I use a local XAMPP server setup :D

  2. Thank for your big comments here. I also hope that this post will help to every blogger who start to taste WordPress blogging platform. I’ll write both about using wordpress and its useful plugins and other technical coding stuff soon.

  3. Nice! I haven’t have chance to install wordpress at my local host. May be I should do it so I can trace my problem about the linebreak at my comment section! :)

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  5. but after installing this, still my IIS webserver works?
    or can we setup different PORT number for Apache and IIS on the same server?

    Thank you in advance for the reply.


  6. Thanks. I’ve installed WordPress in few sites and it seems that few parameters are missing. How can you emphasize just few word and not all the paragraph. Those features are the basic…!!
    Thanks anyway.

  7. Nyi Nyi Aung Avatar
    Nyi Nyi Aung

    Hi! My younger brother,

    First, download AppServ and install it. It’s ok and download wordpress 2.5.10 and follow your instructions. When type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in my browser, this error message appear “Not Found : HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.”. As you know I am a new beginner. Please guide me. By the way, I’m Myanmar. My name is Nyi Nyi Aung. I’m looking forward your reply.


  8. Nyi Nyi Aung Avatar
    Nyi Nyi Aung

    So sorry to disturb my brother. Still having problem. Type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and “authentication required” page appear and request user name and password. I don’t know which user name and password to type. Please help me and don’t forget that I’m a new beginner. Thanks for your kindly reply.

    Looking forward your next reply.
    With regards,
    Nyi Nyi Aung