Tag: wordpress tutorial
Changing Password in WordPress
It is really important that you should change your password immediately when you logged in your wordpress panel for this first time after fresh installation of your WordPress. To change your password, click admin link next to “Howdy” text message in upper right corner of your WordPress panel Or type yourblogaddress.com/wp-admin/profile.php in browser address bar.…
WordPress Developer’s ToolBox
Smashing Magazine put together a huge list of wordpress resources. WordPress developers and wordpress bloggers should read this post. WordPress Developer’s ToolBox
Overview of WordPress Admin panel
After successful logged in your wordpress, you’ll see the wordpress dashboard. WordPress Dashboard includes Write, Manage, Design and Comments panel. Write Write panel where you can write new post, page and link (blogroll). Manage Manage panel where you can manage posts, pages, categories, Tags, Media, Importing posts from wordpress xml file or other blogging system.…
Installing WordPress on Windows
In my last post, I explained how to install Apache, php and mysql on windows using Appserv. Now I’ll explain how to install wordpress. Download WordPress First, download the zip from wordpress Download page. http://www.wordpress.org/download/
Installing Appserv on Windows
Installing Apache Web Server, php and MySQL individually on Windows is not easy task. Because it might takes long time time to make so many configurations to work well such as editing in .ini setting, httpd.conf and many services and extensions used by Apache, php and MySql.
WordPress tutorials for beginner (series)
Thoughts just come up in my mind in during these days that I’m having guts to write WordPress tutorials especially for bloggers who want to start blogging using WordPress.org in their own host. I’ve been spending most of my spare time in blogging in blogger (blogspot) for a year though I created account in December…