Category: Wordpress
How cool when you look up Google map to see if there are any wordpress fans near your location? The site is called WpWorldMap. It used Google map with draggable windows that contains name and your information like First Name, Last name, .. and your role like User or Developer, etc. and leave your marker…
- WordPress Plugin to post Twitter and Facebook is a new URL shortening service developed by Stumbleupon that allows you to post your Blog post and message Twitter and Facebook via your WordPress. has a feature that update automatically to Twitter and Facebook whenever you publish new blog post. has customization options allow you to customize posting to Twitter or…
WordPress 2.7
WordPress 2.7 is available for download at site.The features I like most from this version are revamped Admin panel, Comments enhancement in theme function, Quick press (Easy to publish post from Dashboard) and new layout arranged in Post editor enables me publishing blog posts more quickly. Well done, WordPress Team!
WordPress Plugin: Liz Comments Counter
Liz Strauss Comment Counter is a wordpress plugin to show off the number of comments your blog has. You can configure color and text which is very similar to the Feedburner subscriber counter, in setting.
How WordPress Has Changed My Life
Glenda Watson Hyatt known as left thumb blogger shares her blogging expierence with WordPress and how WordPress has enabled her to communicate with the people. It is an inspirational video from YouTube!
Changing Password in WordPress
It is really important that you should change your password immediately when you logged in your wordpress panel for this first time after fresh installation of your WordPress. To change your password, click admin link next to “Howdy” text message in upper right corner of your WordPress panel Or type in browser address bar.…
WordPress Plugins: Permalinks Migration Plugin
Many of us are using either wordpress’s default permalink structure or We might probably lose visitors from other sites or bookmarks that links to our posts or even Google ranking after we changed the permalink structure from default. If you are going to change the permanent link structure of your wordpress blog, you…
How to remove image caption in WordPress 2.6
New version of wordpress 2.6 includes Image captioning feature that automatically adds caption under your images like in BBC and CNN news site. It is pretty good if you like. But what if you don’t want to put little caption under your image? Here is a very simple trick. Switch to HTML mode Remove the…
Overview of WordPress Admin panel
After successful logged in your wordpress, you’ll see the wordpress dashboard. WordPress Dashboard includes Write, Manage, Design and Comments panel. Write Write panel where you can write new post, page and link (blogroll). Manage Manage panel where you can manage posts, pages, categories, Tags, Media, Importing posts from wordpress xml file or other blogging system.…
TypePad AntiSpam
I have been using Akismet, a free tool that can prevent spam comments, trackbacks and pingbacks for your blog, since I start blogging here. Last couple of months, I noticed that Akismet failed to prevent spam comments, trackbacks and pingbacks for my wordpress blog. Then I switched to Typepad Antispam as a test. I’m very…