Category: Wordpress
WordPress plugins I’m using for my site
I’ve been blogging using wordpress for more than a year now. I noticed that I didn’t test too many plugins that appeared every weeks from Weblog Tools Collection and other blog sites which are related to WordPress. Here I have make a list of plugins which are currently using for my site and really useful…
Upgraded to WordPress 2.5 and How to
I really wanted to use new wordpress 2.5 version for this site since I’ve been testing RC1 release in my local. Because of new database changes, new refreshed admin panel, improved post editor (image uploading, gallery and full screen editing, etc.), ability to upgrade plugin automatically and much more in WordPress 2.5. Today, I just…
My site was featured in WeLoveWP
My site was featured in, a gallery of blogs powered by WordPress. You can see my site at there and give rating for my site.
WordPress 2.5 is officially released
WordPress 2.5 is officially released. You can download it from WordPress.Org. WordPress.Org site has been changed to new look too!
WP Bulk Image Downloader
If you’re blogging in for long time and what if you want to blog in your own hosted blog ? This is one of the biggest problems every blogger face while we’re moving to our own. Backing up your wordpress blog by using export feature in wordpress or using third party web app like…
Upgraded to WordPress 2.3
I just upgraded to WordPress 2.3. Usually, upgrading wordpress is easy task but not this time. I met a lot of problems while upgrading to 2.3. I disabled some of plugins that use wordpress category table which removed in 2.3. Thanks for Tags, update notification, improved Tiny MCE editor and Pending review features implemented in…
Installing WordPress on Windows
In my last post, I explained how to install Apache, php and mysql on windows using Appserv. Now I’ll explain how to install wordpress. Download WordPress First, download the zip from wordpress Download page.
WordPress tutorials for beginner (series)
Thoughts just come up in my mind in during these days that I’m having guts to write WordPress tutorials especially for bloggers who want to start blogging using in their own host. I’ve been spending most of my spare time in blogging in blogger (blogspot) for a year though I created account in December…
Working with wp-config.php in WordPress
You will probably meet this problem after you changed your database username and password in mysql or PhpMyAdmin in your hosting server or uploaded your wordpress folder from your local computer to your hosting server. This problem always happened while we’re restoring wordpress data including mysql data between local and your server. To solve this…